
class feynman.Vertex(xy=(0, 0), **kwargs)

A vertex. Usually represented as a disc.

  • xy ([x, y]) – Coordinates of the vertex.
  • dxy – Coordinates shift, so that the position is given by xy + dxy.
  • dx – Coordinates shift in the x direction.
  • dy – Coordinates shift in the y direction.
  • angle – Angle from xy, so that the position is given by xy + radius * [cos(angle), sin(angle)]. Angle is given in units of tau=2pi.
  • radius – Radius from xy, so that the position is given by xy + radius * [cos(angle), sin(angle)].
  • **kwargs – Any matplotlib line style argument.

Apply a scaling factor to the size of the marker.


Set the position of the vertex.


A dictionary of matplotlib line style, such as marker, markersize, color, etc.

text(s, x=-0.025, y=0.025, **kwargs)

Add text near the vertex.

  • s (Text string.) –
  • x ((-0.025)) – x position, relative to the vertex.
  • y ((-0.025)) – y position, relative to the vertex.
  • fontsize – The font size.
  • **kwargs – Any other style specification for a matplotlib.text.Text instance.